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아이와이어에 오신 것을 환영합니다!
아이와이어(EyeWire)는 프린스턴대에 있는 승 연구소(Seung Lab)에서 개발한 두뇌 맵핑 게임입니다.

플레이 방법

  • 플레이 방법: 아이와이어를 플레이하는 방법을 소개합니다.
  • 튜토리얼: 초보자를 위한 다양한 튜토리얼을 제공하여 게임에 적응하도록 도와줍니다.
  • 플레이어 역할: 아이와이어 플레이어는 순위에 오르고 승급을 통해 특별한 직책을 가지게 됩니다.
  • 대회: 다양한 대결과 이벤트에서 플레이어는 보너스 점수와 상을 받습니다.
  • 아이와이어 영어 단어장: 게임에서 사용하는 용어 사전


아이와이어의 기반 시스템

신경 과학

  • The Cell Museum: The Cell Museum is a newly released visualization platform that showcases retinal cell types reconstructed by EyeWire. In addition to providing our own classification for these neurons, we include stratification profile data for each cell. Detailed annotation of cell names can be found in the Database.
  • Retinal Neuron Classification: In conjunction with the Cell Museum, we are developing a database of retinal ganglion cells in an attempt to create a comprehensive catalog of all neuronal cell types in the retina. Our hope is to collaborate with experts in the field to generate a resource that unifies current classification efforts and can be referenced for future research.

참여 방법

There are many ways to get involved in EyeWire and neuroscience research in general besides playing the game. Here are a list of options:
  • Educational neuroscience material for middle/high school students: Start students early in their interest in neuroscience! Here is a list of resources for that we have found to be accessible to middle and high school students.
  • EyeWire in the classroom: For teachers who want to use EyeWire in the classroom, we have developed a lesson plan around connectomics and EyeWire that you could reference.
  • Contribute to our catalog of retinal neurons: Help us create a resource that consolidates existing information of retinal neuron types and literature corresponding to each.
  • Image segmentation challenges: Participate in one of our challenges to improve automatic electron microscopy image segmentation.
  • Work with us: EyeWire is always on the lookout for new faces to join our team. EyeWire is open to collaborations; our previous collaborators include Oculus Rift, Microsoft, and EdX, among others. Please email us if interested.

과학적 정보 및 배경

For Science! Extras

  • Neural computational models: Neural network algorithms for modeling biological brain tasks in the digital space.
  • Software: Help and troubleshooting for any program used by/for Eyewire.
  • For parentsː Addresses some usual queries parents may have about their child being on Eyewire.
  • EyeWire Libraryː List of research papers from the 24 students of 2012's MOSTEC.

특별한 사진

KT Corporation와 함께 진행하여 아이와이어는 200 x 200um 크기의 데이타셋에 있는 245개의 뉴런을 약 9월 만에 재구성할 수 있었습니다. 옆 이미지는 이 기간동안 매핑된 신경절 세포층(the ganglion cell layer, GCL)에 있는 다양한 망막 신경절 세포(Ganglion Cells) 종류를 보여줍니다. 파란색 줄은 데이타셋을 지나가는 혈관입니다.

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