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 h English (en)The EyeWire is based on the images that were acquired at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, Germany.  This dataset, known as E2198, was the basis of Wiring specificity in the Direction-Selectivity Circuit of the Retina.<ref name="Briggman">Wiring specificity in the Direction-Selectivity Circuit of the Retina. K. L. Briggman M. Helmstaedter W. Denk. Nature volume471 pgs183-188</ref> The source retina was obtained from a dark-adapted adult wild-type (C57BL/6) mouse.
 h Spanish (es)yeWire se basa en las imágenes que se adquirieron en el Instituto Max Planck para la Investigación Médica en Heidelberg, Alemania. Este conjunto de datos, conocido como E2198, fue la base de la especificidad de cableado en el circuito de selectividad de dirección de la retina.<ref nombre="Briggman">Especificidad de cableado en el circuito de selectividad de dirección de la retina. K. L. Briggman M. Helmstaedter W. Denk. Nature volume471 pgs183-188 </ref> La fuente retina se obtuvo de un adulto natural adaptado a la oscuridad (C57BL/6) ratón.
 h Korean (ko)아이와이어는 독일 하이델베르크에 있는 Max Planck Institute of Medical Research에서 만든 이미지를 기반으로 합니다. This dataset, known as E2198, was the basis of Wiring specificity in the Direction-Selectivity Circuit of the Retina.<ref name="Briggman">Wiring specificity in the Direction-Selectivity Circuit of the Retina. K. L. Briggman M. Helmstaedter W. Denk. Nature volume471 pgs183-188</ref> The source retina was obtained from a dark-adapted adult wild-type (C57BL/6) mouse.