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In order to produce the most accurate data, EyeWire accepts the consensus, a sophisticated combination of the players traces, for each cube.
In order to produce the most accurate data, EyeWire accepts a sophisticated combination of the players' traces for each cube. This combination is called the consensus.

Latest revision as of 19:26, 13 August 2019

In order to produce the most accurate data, EyeWire accepts a sophisticated combination of the players' traces for each cube. This combination is called the consensus.


  • Every time an enfranchised player submits a cube, it gains 1 weight. When a disenfranchised player submits a cube, it gains 0.1 weight.
  • A player's enfranchisement status is based on the accuracy of their previous tracing. More than 80% accuracy means they're enfranchised; less means they're disenfranchised.
  • When the cube hasn't been trailblazed yet, its weight is 0.
  • In normal gameplay, the maximum weight a cube can reach is 4 before it becomes unassignable for enfranchised players.

Confidence Values

  • Since different players might trace a cube differently, the segments inside the cube may have different confidence values.
  • A confidence value is the likelihood that a segment belongs in a cube.
  • The likelihood that a segment is included in the consensus is dependent on how many players included that segment in their trace.
  • Level 1 and Level 2 cubes use differing calculations for determining whether to include a segment in the consensus.


  • When reaping a cube, a Scythe has weight 3.
  • This weight is used to fix a merger, missing branch, or missing nub. Their reap will also overwrite the consensus entirely.
  • After one Scythe has reaped a cube, consensus no longer applies. The next Scythe to reap the same cube will wholly replace the last trace with their own. This is known as "Last Scythe Wins."

Admin Reaping

  • Admins working as the GrimReaper have a weight of one million when reaping a cube. Their reaping also overwrites consensus and works similarly to "Last Scythe Wins."
  • They also use this power to fix mergers, missing branches, and missing nubs.
  • Because of an admin's weight and privileges, once they have reaped a cube, a Scythe cannot reap in any further changes; at that point the cube is essentially left in admin hands.

The Spawner

  • The spawner is a part of Eyewire's programming that creates a cube when the consensus shows that the branch extends. A Level 1 cube will spawn at weight 3, and a Level 2 cube will spawn at weight 2.
  • The spawner uses some parts of the parent cube as the seed.
  • The spawner also updates the weight and confidence values of a cube after a player submits it. When the cube reaches spawnable weight, this is when trailblaze retro points are released.
  • There are circumstances where the spawner will ignore a cube: namely, frozen and/or duplicate cubes.

Frozen Cubes

  • Admins freeze cubes to prevent players from playing them.
  • Cell bodies are frozen because:
    • they are not useful for the research that is being conducted.
    • the AI does not segment them well since it is designed to segment branches.
    • they take a long time to trace
    • they slow down the players' computers.
  • Some cubes will be frozen when there is a serious merger in the cube that cannot be removed right away.
  • Scythes can also freeze cubes and unfreeze them if they don't need to be frozen anymore. However, they cannot unfreeze what an admin has frozen.
  • If a cube is frozen, this will prevent its consensus from updating even if reaped. It must be unfrozen for the reap to take effect.

Duplicate Cubes

  • Duplicate cubes are cubes that share segments with a cube in another cell.
  • This usually means that one of the cells has a merger in its consensus.
  • Scouts, Scythes, and/or admins must figure out where that segment belongs and remove it from where it doesn't belong. Otherwise, the spawner will ignore that cube until the duplicate is resolved.

Stashing & Unstashing Branches

  • If there is a merger branch on one cell and it gets removed, data about that branch is not deleted entirely. It is simply separated from the cell in question and "hidden" in the database. This is known as stashing.
  • If a segment belonging to a stashed branch is found in a new cube, the spawner will unstash all the cubes in that branch under the assumption that the branch may belong in this cell.
  • In cases where a large branch suddenly unstashes, this can greatly accelerate the tracing process of the cell... provided that the branch indeed belongs there.