
From Eyewire
Revision as of 16:02, 14 September 2016 by H.F. (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "在游戏主界面可以看到,左边是三维结构的神经模型,右边是对应位置的切片图。玩家可以在方块中滑动,切片图也有相应切换。玩...")

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Overview, EyeWire.org

EyeWire challenges players, "EyeWirers," to map neurons in 3D. Upon registering, players are automatically directed through a tutorial that explains the game. Supplementary video tutorials are available here on the EyeWire Blog

在EyeWire中,玩家将会得到一个称为“种子”的方块,而方块里横过一部分已经建模了的神经枝杈。在游戏界面右侧黑白相间的是神经的横切面图。玩家学着在单个神经分支的灰色边界里“着色”,这样的神经分支往往起于方块的某一面,一直延伸到相对的那面。这就能为一个方块的体积建好模型,一个分支接着一个分支。很多玩家去构建每一个方块的模型,然后和其他玩家比赛他们的成果。而高级玩家侦查兵 大刀,则能游览全球社区的成果。这些玩家有权去拓展分支以及除去 混在一起的神经


玩家的任务是找出和标记Artificial Intelligence (AI) 没有标记到的地方,这样有助于描绘出神经的结构。有时候,只不过是填补原来模型上的空洞;有时可能是去延伸一个分叉,或者寻找新的分叉。



Each cube is played by many players. The trace chosen by the majority of the players is accepted as true. Players receive points based on whether their tracing matches the majority of other players' tracings and based on the new amount of neural volume found. Players can also receive up to 20 points based on time spent on any given task for level 1 cells, or 40 points in a level 2 cell.

The other way to score points is through Trailblazing. Trailblazing is the initial trace of any given cell cube. Only players with 80% accuracy or higher are allowed to Trailblaze. Trailblazing is only awarded when a player is the first to submit the cube. Trailblazing earns the player a bonus of 50 points per cube.

Helpful Tools

Eyewire uses many mouse and keyboard commands to navigate its interface. The tutorial introduces most of these commands to new players. Players can also access a full list of navigation commands by clicking the question mark icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Players can also use "Explore Mode" during play. This turns any pieces added by the player a bright green color. When in Explore players must use the command ctrl+m to commit their work before submitting it. They can also press ctrl+d to discard. Explore mode can be accessed by clicking the compass icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.


The most frequent problem players come across are mergers. These are partial branches that the AI has erroneously added which do not belong to the piece being traced. When a player comes across a merger there are two options. If the merger is small and does not exit the cube, the player may ignore it and trace as normal. If the merger is large or exits out any side of the cube, the player should remove the segment that attaches to the merger and continue to trace the good part of the branch to completion.

Another problem a player may face is a misalignment. Sometimes the slides become misaligned and cause a break in the 2D image. When faced with this challenge a player should look for clues like branch width and direction to help them figure out where the continuation may be.

You can find more information on these problems here.

More experienced players (Scouts and Scythes) have the ability to examine and alter cubes with mergers or misalignment problems. Many players utilize the EyeWire chat if they are having a difficult problem that they need assistance on. Merger reports or other questions can also be emailed to support@eyewire.org.


Find a full list of Frequently Asked Questions generated by players on the FAQ page.