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축삭은 전기 신호를 세포체로부터 벌리 보냅니다. 축삭이 신호를 근육, 샘들, 가장 흔하게, 다른 신경세포로 전달합니다. 축삭은 축삭 소구(axon hillock)에서 생성되는 활동전위를 통해 신호를 전달합니다.

오징어 거대 축삭(Squid Giant Axon)

오징어의 거대 축삭은 최초로 연구된 축삭의 하나입니다. 이것은 1909년 처음으로 L. W. Williams에 의해 묘사되었습니다.[1] 그 이후로, 다양한 연구들이 축삭에 대해 보다 많은 것을 알기 위해 실시 되었습니다.

축삭은 일반적으로 훨씬 작은 데 비해 오징어의 축삭은 보통 약 0.5mm 직경의 커다란 크기를 가져 초기 신경과학자들은 다른 축삭들에 비해 이 축삭을 쉽게 연구할 수가 있었습니다. 1952년에 Alan Hodgkin과 Andrew Huxley가 활동전위를 전파하는 이온성 기전을 이해하기 위해 오징어의 거대 축삭을 사용했습니다. [2]

활동전위(Action Potential)

Action potentials, also referred to as "spikes", are generated in neurons to carry the electrical signals from the cell body to the synapses on the axon. Action potentials are short changes in the electrical potential across the cell membrane in an axon. Hodgkin and Huxley found that the resting potential across the membrane of the neuron was -60mV inside relative to outside. The action potential is a reversal of the polarity (the potential across the membrane becomes positive inside relative to outside) that travels down the axon to the axon terminals.[3][4]

The potential across the membrane is created by the presence of different ions on either side of the membrane. to maintain the potential, ion channels are employed to keep the concentrations stable. In order to propagate the action potential, the ion channels allow more positively charged ions to flow into the cell and negatively charged ions to flow out.[3]

Myelin Sheath

The squid giant axon is large because it increases the speed that the action potential moves along the axon. Another mechanism that has evolved to increase the action potential speed is myelin sheaths. Myelin sheaths consist of glial membranes that are wound multiple times around an axon. Myelin works by insulating the axon from the surrounding environment. Instead of the depolarization occurring at every point along the axons's length, it only happens at breaks in the myelin, called the nodes of Ranvier.[5]


  1. Williams, L. W. (1909) \"Anatomy of the Common Squid\" (American Museum of Natural History)
  2. Hodgkin, A. L., Huxley, A. F., Katz, B., (1952) Measurement of Current-Voltage Relations in the Membrane of the Giant Axon of Loligo J. Physiol. 116, 424-448
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Hodgkin
  4. Barnett, Mark W., Larkman, Phillip M. (2007) The Action Potential Pract. Neurol. 7:192-197
  5. Hartline DK, Colman DR (January 2007). Rapid conduction and the evolution of giant axons and myelinated fibers. Curr. Biol. 17 (1): R29–35.